You’re Not Hardcore Unless You live Hardcore: De-Lux Hot Dog Night
I have been a total slacker on writing posts about training and climbing. The truth of it is that its not particularly interesting to write about (or for our vapid readers, read about).
So I will just say that we’ve been training super hard and tomorrow we are putting a top rope on a potential assent of a 5.13a “Barely Eagle” at our favorite crag in Boulder Canyon, Eagle Rock. Although these plans may change as we have some friends visiting from Chicago and if we take them climbing it will be someplace super easy like the Sport Park (where we take all newbies to climb).
But I know you are asking yourself what the heck does climbing a 5.13 have to do with eating hot dogs (as implied by the title of this blog). Well friends, let me tell you; it all comes down to food. Ya gotta fuel your machine to survive the brutality of the 5.13.
Once a month we would get cravings for something calorie dense like burgers, fries, hot wings and beer. This is due to the fact that A. those things are delicious and B. we cannot consume enough calories to compensate for the ones we burn on a daily basis with our training regiment. Most people would think this is a great thing because it means you look/feel skinny (and lets be honest that is why 99% of people work out at all). But truly we just need a meal to rule all meals once in awhile (Lord of the Rings reference for those of you who don’t know that we are just super nerds with big arms and back muscles).
So today, while sitting at my desk feeling the hunger that cannot be fed with this type of craving, I know that it’s time for a classic, all-American, 3000 caloric-intake meal. So your now thinking….”man, this blog is so rambably if this dude doesn’t get to the god damn point I am going to remove this blog from my Internet Explore/Safari/Firefox Browser Favorites list.” And to those people I say “You can stop following our online presence but you can never silence the spirit of Adventure!!!”
Now to the point…Tonight’s Dinner will feature Chicago Style Hot Dogs accompanied By Macaroni & Cheese Hot Dogs…accompanied by sweet potato fries….and now I present to you…..(Beauty and the Beast ref)…our dinner…
We aim to inspire and they were amazing, my 3rd dog was a combo Chicago/Mac. You should totally try it!
I have never seen a Mac and Cheese dog before today. Now, I’ve seen it all. Cheers!