Parent’s Visit and Deep Dish Pizza
We had a really busy week this past week. After getting back from Florida, we have had very little time to just relax in our abode. We had a charity event for Jake’s work, kickball-sunday-BBQ-fest, and then tons of work to accomplish for the “Parent’s” visit. They came in Wednesday evening, so we had just enough time to get the final touches to the house done before their arrival. We just moved into a way-to-large house, and can actually accomodate guests now, which is kind of nice.
They came Wed. and spared no time planning away our home; where they would make improvements, adjustments, etc. Oh and let me preface by saying that we only plan to live here for the year, we are probably going to be buying a place next year, more appropriate in size for just me and Jake, so we dont really care that much about putting more into this house…but none-the-less, it was really nice having help doing those cumbersome household things that neither myself nor Jake is any good at.
Thursday my mom went out around Boulder, while my dad and I worked at home. Lunch-time we decided to visit Jake at his office, so that my dad could play on his company’s 40K golf-simulator. Dad kicked Jake’s butt big time, as if that’s news…Jake’s not much of a golfer. We headed up to Flagstaff Mountain for lunch and relaxation in the beauty of Colorado’s wilders. We spent our $80 on whole-foods pre-prepared meals and enjoyed the scenery. Afterwards, we went to a pumpkin patch to get pumpkins, pet animals and do the corn maze. It was super fun and pretty. After that, we headed back home before going to downtown Louisville for some Lucky Pie and Sweet Cow. We ended the night watching a movie, which Jake bailed on after about 3 minutes because it was past his bedtime.
Friday was a big day, because we were having a party and we still had tons to do to get the place ready. It has been a bit of a battle getting this place up to snuff, but my parents spared no time or expense helping us do just that. They bought us a housewarming gift…a new grill…which we promptly decided to fire up the next evening for grilled goodness. My mom, being the type-A, anal person that she is, decided that she needed to clean every square inch of the place….i’m not complaining there…I hate cleaning like that, and it was nice not to have to worry about all of the details since we had so many things to do. The party was super fun and tons of peeps came out to check out our abode, eat, drink and be merry… The parents were leaving the next day, and we managed to only get a few hours of sleep before we had to get up to entertain them before they left. We had breakfast at the Huckleberry – ie – best breakfast EVER – and then drove around the neighborhoods before heading to the airport. It was a really long morning in the car, so Jake and I took long naps in the afternoon. We vegged out all day and night, and it was fabulous.
Today, we didn’t do much other than work out in the AM. We decided that since our new grill came with so many fun “extras” we wanted to try it out. The grill has removable plates so that you can cook other things like veggies and pizza rather than just the typical steaks and burgers. We got a pizza stone from one of our friends, and decided to try it out tonight. We made homemade deep-dish chicken, basil, redpepper, onion, and tomato pizza….
…it was probably the best pizza i’ve ever had – no joke. The grill cooked it perfectly…and nothing is better than homemade. We are so excited that we made enough dough for another, so that’s what we will be having again sometime this week….