Bike Commuting 101: What’s in the Bag?
(clearning throat)
Good Day class, and Welcome to your first lesson on Bike Commuting. Today, we will be discussing one of the most important things in bike-commuting: THE BAG AND THE TOOLS.
What gives me the creditability to discuss such a topic you ask? It could be argued that I have none, but I have been a very avid bike commuter for 8-or-so years in Boulder, Colorado (which happens to be one of the most bike-friendly cities in America, second only to Portland, Oregon). Currently, I ride approximately 20 to 26 miles a day (depending on my path), 4 days per week; which is about 80-100 miles-per-week that I need to be well prepared for any issue or disaster. So, without further adeau, let’s get started.